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GLOOMY SUNDAY黑色星期天(其實準(zhǔn)確說應(yīng)該叫憂郁星期天)

Sunday is gloomy星期天是陰郁的

My hours are slumberless我的時光并不寧靜

Dearest the shadows I live with are numberless親愛的(你)與我同在的音影寥寥可數(shù)

Little white flowers will never awaken you小小的白花永遠(yuǎn)無法將你喚醒

Not where the black coach of sorrow has taken you 你已乘憂郁悲傷的黑馬車到達(dá)將去的國度

Angels have no thought of ever returning you天使也完全不曾想要將你歸還于我

Would they be angry if I thought of joining you 若我要與你同行不知他們是否會生氣

Gloomy sunday憂郁的星期天

Sunday is gloomy星期天是陰郁的

With shadows I spend it all我同暗影共度這漫漫長日

My heart and I have desided to end it all我與我的心都決定要結(jié)束這痛苦的一切

Soon there’ll be flowers and prayers that are said I know我知道,不久之后這將有鮮花和祈禱

Let them not weep let them know that I’m glad to go告訴他們不要哭泣,告訴他們我離去時滿心歡喜

Death is no dream for in death I’m caressing you 死亡不是夢境,死亡是為了能與你愛撫

With the last breath of my soul I’ll be blessing you我將以我靈魂的最后一絲氣息為你祝福

Gloomy sunday憂郁的星期天

Dreaming,I was only dreaming幻夢,我只是在做夢

I wake and I find you asleep in the deep of my heart,dear當(dāng)我醒來,親愛的,發(fā)現(xiàn)你正沉睡在我心靈深處

